Digital Repositories

Information sources and Acknowledging sources

The internet presents limitless data, information and knowledge. There are many "shoulders on which you can stand on" in your research just by searching. However, though there are tons of information, you are responsible for the quality of the information you use. It is also important to bear in mind to acknowledge the "shoulders". Failure to do so results in plagiarism which is punishable by the law. In this post some of the sources will be discussed.

Creative Commons is website that provides the platform to upload your resources for free public use. Users may make modifications to the content that has been shared being it videos, audio, images, etc. Some content requires that acknowledgement. Others don't. With creative commons searches can be made to multiple sources. The picture below shows the search channels.

Within the creative commons, google searches can be done. Google is a powerful search engine with powerful features to filter your search. The choice of keywords are important in searching for information


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